By now if you are even mildly informed about the goings on outside your picket fence you have heard about the Shawnee Mission teenager who Tweeted negative remarks last week about the Kansas Governor. The more I heard the reports the more I wished I could tell that girl to tell all those men to go to hell. That republic D-bag does not deserve any form of apology. If anything I would have offered this;
“Dear Gov’nor (said in a British accent of course to make it more fun),
I’m SO sorry you blow.
I’m SO sorry your self-serving antics make you a piss poor leader.
I’m SO sorry your self-serving antics make you a piss poor leader.
I’m ever so sorry you and your staff apparently have nothing better to do than monitor Twitter accounts and harass teenagers possessing an opinion. Maybe you would like to take our homes and banish us all to poverty? Oh wait… you’ve already done that. My bad.
By the way, ever hear of a little thing called the first amendment? Maybe you should have read the constitution before deciding to run for office. Not to worry; you won’t need to be concerned with all that silly civil rights mumbo-jumbo when you are super-sizing orders at the drive-thru window at Wendy’s in 2014. Gawd, I hope you don’t suck at that because I really like their fries!”
Then I’d sign it,
A voting female Democrat (aka – your worst nightmare)”