
The Soup Diet...

(Cue the music): "dum, dum, duuuuum!"

Part of the exercise portion of my 2011 resolution includes getting my eating habits under control. I'll be honest; I've indulged a wee bit too much eating whatever the hell I want, whenever I want. Workout dude loves my cooking and we love the same foods so I've been doing a lot of cooking for him and the girls. Coupled with that is my new love for micro-brewed wheat state beer turning me into something of a "beer snob" according to my friend Al. Regardless, I wanted to get to get to a good starting point with a smarter diet starting this new year so I said, "Hey! Let's do the soup diet for a week to detox!"  If I ever utter those words again, somebody please slap me upside the head! Oh my gosh.. I have NEVER craved food so much in all my life!

The premise of the soup diet is you make this vegetable soup that has no calories so you can eat as much as you want for seven days and actually lose weight. Each day you have a strict diet of veggies, fruit, etc. and as long as you don't cheat, you can lose anywhere from 10-17lbs in a week. I was not trying to really lose weight but I wanted to do the diet as a way to cleanse my system and also act as a support system for someone else who really did want to lose some pounds. Good thing too because while he lost weight; I GAINED weight from sneaking foods not on the list. I even had a dream one night that a Sasquatch was in my house chasing me and mad because I wouldn't feed him. I think the Sasquatch was actually my stomach! I'm not a very sneaky food sneaker either. "Why are there popcorn crumbs on the couch? Were you eating POPCORN?" (It's a veggie, right? Corn? That's on the list). One night I did snarf down a glazed donut before workout dude was even out of the driveway. What a loooong week. I have never anticipated real food in all my life!

So now we are going to get into the habit of fixing more fish, chicken, and veggies to start eating better and more importantly SMALLER portions. As far as the beer, well... it does have wheat in it and that's a grain sooo as long as I exercise moderation that should be cool too. At least that is what I am going with until my scale tells me differently.

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