
Lazy Holiday

This was the first Thanksgiving I’ve ever spent without my girls and surprisingly enough I was not a complete boo-hooing sniffling mess. They went with their dad for a few days while Dan and I went to Western Kansas and then we met back home to spend the rest of the weekend with my family. Mom came and stayed with us over the weekend and together we introduced Sydie to my all-time favorite game Chinese Checkers or as we like to call it “Hop Ching!” I still have the wooden board that belonged to my great-grandmother. Grandpa and I use to spend countless hours playing so eventually I got to where I had a pretty solid strategy.  I love that Syd likes playing and we have already played several games since Saturday. (Four rounds just last night before she finally decided she was tired and went to bed). I’m pretty sure her motivation is to be able to sufficiently out-wit me with her mad hop skills. I don’t doubt for a minute that she will too. 

So, unfortunately no crazy black Friday stories or weird family happenings to relay. I didn’t even take a single picture! Thanksgiving was wonderfully laid back just the way I like it. Most of my holiday shopping is complete and for now at least, life is pleasantly boring. Not a good deal for blogging but a damn good one for my peace of mind!  

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