
I've been writing, venting, expressing, and discovering myself with this blog for several years now. I don't write for anyone but myself but my thoughts and experiences are read religiously by several of my friends, my family members, AND those 'Nosey Nelly's' who just want to find out some good ol' dirt on me. Well I'd like to clarify a few things so Nelly, it's your lucky day.

I have been best friends with the father of my children since I was 14 years old. We have had some off the wall wonderful years as well as a lot of tragedy and heartache. I was his caretaker through 30 plus surgeries with the help from his wonderful parents who I still love very much and always will. Sometimes two people just have to face the fact that they make better friends than a married couple. Making that decision was the hardest thing we've ever had to do and honestly yes, I was the one who started the conversation.... three years ago. Neither of us wanted a roommate and that is exactly what we had become. We agreed that whatever happened our girls would not suffer.

Both of us wanted a fresh start and when I got transferred it worked out perfectly because he wanted to go back to school. Lawrence offered his degree and he would still be available for the girls. He literally lives two minutes away from us and with the exception of every other weekend, the girls see him every single day. 

I respect this man and what he has been through. It breaks my heart that he has had to suffer and continues to have health issues. I have made it clear I do not want any kind of formal child support. He offers to pay for the girls' school expenses or whatever else they need and I am good with that. I make my own money; I don't take his. Yes I bought a house. He wanted the girls to have a home and since we sold two businesses and our house in Clay I was able to do so. I don't know if you have heard but the housing market is in the toilet and buyers can get a great deal on a house right now. That was a no-brainer. I make all the payments, I pay for all the improvements, I do all the maintenance.... everything and it sucks royally. He loves that because he is no longer on the receiving end of my honey-do lists.

Our situation is not the norm but you know what? It works for us. We still look out for each other, we talk almost every day, we don't fight, and our children are happy. They love Lawrence and they love their parents. Go figure.

Karma is a powerful thing and she's always looking for an ass to bite.

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