
Lunchroom Drama

Syd came home from school yesterday and told me a heartbreaking story. A girl in her class who she described as a ‘goodie-goodie’ who, as far as Syd knows, has NEVER gotten in trouble for anything .. had her luck run out yesterday in of all places, the lunchroom. *Key the music of doom - dum, dum, duuuum.* This little girl got accused of kicking another girl in the shin. The lunchroom teacher got involved and without asking for witnesses (which there weren’t) or any kind of warning, she embarrassed the child by moving her to a table all by herself.  Syd said the girl set her tray beside her, didn’t eat another bite and proceeded to cry. Meanwhile, the accuser is known for being a mean little liar. Just sayin’. The drama carried over into the classroom where the girl proceeded to cry and had to be taken out into the hallway for a chat. I’m thinking this is another Knox story and this girl was wrongly accused and now has been traumatized. It broke my heart. I hope her parents rip somebody a new one! 

I don’t know how or why lunchrooms have evolved into places where power hungry tyrants impersonating teachers linger in the hopes of crushing the spirit of elementary students simply trying to choke down their packaged cardboard food and chatting with friends, but it has. At least it has at my kid’s school. Assigned seats, no talking, no laughing, and if your table is quiet you get a table trophy but OH MY GAWD don’t touch the trophy or it is given to another table and now you run the risk of losing your recess as well! What the hell is this nonsense? Lunchroom nazis; that’s what they are. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I cannot wait until Syd moves up to Junior High next year. The first semester isn’t even over and I can’t count how many times these kids have had their recess taken away, the one thing that gives them an outlet to burn off energy. “They talk too much” is the explanation. “Well I have news for you genius’, they are 10 year old kids; they are going to talk no matter what you do.” Maybe they should run laps. That always shuts me up. (See why I'm so happy I found Erin's blog?)

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