
Did I Hear You Right?

When you have struggled daily with an ADD child one of the best things in the world to hear is, “hey mom, I think the medicine is making me smarter in math! I know the answer before she even tells us to write it down.” Or maybe, “I need to do my homework and it will only take a second because it’s easy.”  I had the pleasure of hearing BOTH of these statements this week! Honestly just her REMEMBERING to bring work home is a reason to celebrate.  I can’t even count the times she forgot to bring home her assignments or the book required to complete the assignment. Hell, I didn’t even know until January that she even HAD spelling words each week because she NEVER, ever brought them home! I know, I know.. that pretty much qualifies me for “Mother of the Year”, right? How this kid dodged summer school, I’ll never know.  The thing is she’s a smart girl. She’s also very creative, dramatic, crazy funny, and is turning into a good little softball player. It’s so cool to finally start to see her get excited about school and sports (she starts volleyball next month) and I really think that is because she is now getting the help that she needs to concentrate.  Oh, she still has her moments but that is what makes her unique. Her sister and I just roll our eyes and say, “That’s Syd for ya!”  

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