
The Rest of the Story...

Okay, OKAY… apparently I have left some of my faithful followers (aka stalkers) in a lurch because it is now Tuesday and I haven’t elaborated on my weekend. I just got an email that said, “…. Really? Aw come on, update your blog already!” So, here goes. 
Friday evening we met some friends of Daniel’s downtown at Gella's Diner & Lb. Brewing Co. for dinner. The atmosphere and the raspberry wheat beer were both out of this world; so NOT what I expected. After dinner we discovered a walking art exhibit tour so we checked that out while taking in all the cool little shops downtown. On the balcony of one store front there was a live band playing. A little later after they finished playing they just hung out drinking wine watching all the spectators enjoying a windy western Kansas evening. It made me feel like I was back in Lawrence; so cool & trendy cause that’s how we roll here, don’cha know?  

We then decided we weren’t ready to leave so we went to The Brass Rail, a popular college bar that Daniel’s mom said SHE went to when SHE went to Fort Hays State back in the day. We discovered that the bar was full of friends and family members who were in town for his niece’s wedding and we had no idea they were even there.  We weren’t cool enough to close the place down so we let the others handle that part. From what I heard the next day, they did well.     

I earned by degree by attending several different schools in different places as we moved around but ultimately I earned my diploma from Fort Hays State. The kicker is I had never even set foot on their campus. All of my classes there were through their virtual college online. Daniel, his mom, and a good chunk of his close friends are Fort Hays State grads. So Saturday afternoon he gave me a personal tour of campus complete with pointing out all the places he lived including his first dorm where we scared the crap out of the other residents by setting off M-80’s as a freshman. I really wish I could say hearing that surprised me, but it didn’t. Not in the least! 
The wedding was nice and simple, the reception was even better with an open bar, dinner, and a cool band. Of course doesn’t it figure we have access to an open bar chalked full of bourbon and I elected to be the designated driver so we could get past the DUI checkpoint that was set up down the street. @#%#! . (I did have a couple whiskey sours but mostly I drank water).  

Daniel and I probably had the biggest test of our relationship this weekend. No, I’m certain we did! This weekend we were forced to endure the presence of his past and it made for a very awkward and less than perfect evening. No matter how jacked up our Saturday evening was... we survived and that's really all that matters.

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