
Week 3

We are now into week three of our summer workouts. Unfortunately it has gotten off to a slow start thanks to mother nature and her incessant need to make it rain every single day. Tonight we wondered if the weather would even give us the chance to get in our 25 needed nights. Last night we ran up campus to the Kansas Union and then ran down the parking garage, touched the wall and then ran back up to the top and back to Robinson field. The distance was only 2 miles total and we were done with our entire workout in 30 minutes. I'm starting to notice I have better control over my breathing and really only struggle when we have to go up one of the steep campus hills. This is a huge personal improvement and I am finally feeling like I won't be out of shape for much longer. Last Thursday both of the girls went to Dog Day's with us and it just happen to be one of our football stadium nights. As we were running forward and backward sprints my 12 year old looked at me, sweat running down her face and announced, "This is hard!" I agreed with her but it is worth it.

The rain is not only soaking the ground but it is seriously dampening my spirits. Tonight after work I drove around a bit; just really not in the mood to go straight to the house knowing we wouldn't be taking off for campus. Sometimes it just feels good to put the windows down and drive without any particular place in mind. I am always finding new places; shops, restaurants, coffee houses, etc. that I want to try so I make mental notes. Aside from some residential set backs, I'm finally starting to feel like I belong here. The weekends I stay here are so relaxing and even when I'm driving back on Sunday evenings I've noticed my mood changes significantly once I get past Topeka. I liked the idea of being in Lawrence but that calm, that peacefulness to me confirms that this is where I am suppose to be.

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