
I really thought today was going to be the day we would skate by with sunshine until at least dark but heck no! She (mother nature) did it to us again and boy did we get hit hard! I was getting updates as soon as I got to the house; reports of streets flooded, stranded vehicles, and tree limbs down. In less than two hours this is what we had; ljworld photo gallery  (Note the basketball goal in the fifth picture down).

My nephew has inherited a fear of storms from his mother. Whenever it rains he makes sure no one goes to get the mail from the mailboxes on the corner because he says, "lightning will get you and make you dead!" For this reason he won't go near a window or allow anyone else to either. Tonight he was on the phone with his daddy making sure he understood that when he arrived home that he was not to go get the mail and that someone would get it later. He kept repeating that until finally his dad agreed with him. Even though it was out of fear, his concern was very cute and his little voice very sincere.

It was a crazy night for sure for a lot of people. We were lucky in that we didn't have any damage but a lot of people in other towns were not as fortunate. If this rain keeps up I may consider trading my car for a boat and possibly start rounding up animals.

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