
Happy Father's Day

Mom didn't want to spend this weekend home alone and my sister just happened to need a babysitter for Saturday night so it was Grandma to the rescue. She and Blake had a big time playing softball and watching movies, so much so that he was barely asleep by the time we rolled in from KC. Sunday morning was relaxing starting with a big breakfast that I had prepared in advance knowing we would all be beat and not in the mood to cook.

Later we all wandered out into the backyard to take advantage of the sunshine and play some ball.
Even Nick the B.B.D (big black dog) got in on the game. 
And then Blake did some repairs to the deck...
Our Father's Day was missing the head of the table but among us all it was a quiet understanding and we didn't feel the need to over talk it. We had a good talk with mom about some other things and she seems to be doing much better. She is getting out with friends and is planning several trips. Mom even bought a GPS but she emailed me saying she couldn't get it to "talk" to her and she might end up taking it back to the store. I told her we would take a look at it this weekend. The conversation went like this:

Mom: I can't get this silly thing to tell me the directions. It shows me the roads but that doesn't do me any good when I'm driving.
Jamie: (after reading the instructions) Did it talk to you on the way here?
Mom: No.
Jamie: Hmm... that's weird because it talked to me when I turned it on.... Did you have batteries in it?
Mom: Well, I didn't have it on. It was in the box.
Jamie: Oh... well... uh... it's not going to talk to you when you are just sitting in your house. You have to be moving.
Gentry: Yeah Grandma. You should have walked around the block!

Hopefully her trips will be a lot easier for her now that we got her TomTom out of the box and convinced to "talk" to her.  (Good grief!)

It was a great Father's Day and I know dad was here with us. We have had some freaky things happen around here in the last couple of months that make me more convinced of that than ever before. It's a little unnerving but if it is our dad's spirit hanging around it's just him being ornery.

Happy Father's day Daddy. We love you.

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