
Yes I admit I correct your grammar in my head

Disclaimer: You are about to read a pure bitch session. There will be venting but it is not to be taken personally.

One of my biggest pet peeves is sloppy grammar. If it happens as an accident or an oopsy slip, it is acknowledged but quickly forgiven. However, if someone continuously ends a sentence with the preposition "at" then they should not be shocked when my head spins counterclockwise and my ears begin to bleed. If the person speaking holds a masters degree or a PHD and teaches for a University then I believe it is completely acceptable to punish them with a high five to the forehead. After all, they have to learn somehow.

Some argue that there are some instances when it is okay to end a sentence with a preposition. An example of this would be when the sentence does not make sense if you were to leave the preposition off at the end. A sentence such as "What step are you on?" does not make sense if you leave off the word "on" so this is considered by some to be okay. I don't know but it makes sense.

The use of tense is another pickle and I admit I have to watch this one. Today I repeatedly listened to a woman in my group say, "We was going to... " and "We was thinking we would...." I swear my brain shut down and I could not even focus on the rest of what she was saying because in my head all I could hear was, "were, were, WERE!" To make this even a little more uncomfortable these conversations were with our peers from other State Universities and Kansas Legislators. I guess it was only "uncomfortable" for me because no one else even flinched.

I've been accused of being uptight and maybe I am to a certain extent. However, next to sloppy grammar the thing I dislike the most is looking like, sounding like, or being mistaken for an uneducated hick. I strongly believe if you want to be taken seriously you have to exercise good language skills. I personally witnessed this today and unfortunately for those who have to endure me, it ruffled my feathers even more in this regard. Sorry guys.....

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