
There are a lot of things you don't want to hear from a child under the age of 11 and I heard two this weekend. One was, "Mom, I have a boyfriend and I thought you should know." I am not a fan of 6th grade drama and my first thought was, "here we go again." She also has a birthday coming up in a few weeks and has been busy planning a boy/girl party. (Lord help me....)

The other is "Hey Mom, I had beer and hot dogs at my friend's house!" Well, technically it was root beer but she still thought the "WHAT!" she got from me was hilarious. Then when I asked her to go feed the dog she said "Sorry Mom, I can't. I'm still drunk." I informed her the walk from the garage to Ellie's pen would sober her up! (Little smart@%*!)

Who do these kids belong to anyway? I sure hope their mother comes to get them soon.

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