
The Symbolism of the Bat

We discovered late last summer that there were bats living in the neighbor's tree to the North of us. It was a little freaky at first as they dive bombed the pool at dusk to grab a quick drink, especially if we happened to be in the pool at the time. This year they come visit every night and are really active when we have the pool lights on. My close friends know how into animal significance I am. I strongly believe that animals speak to us with their presence and it is our responsibility to not only respect them but to listen. So naturally I had to research what these little creatures may be trying to tell me.

I own a great book by Ted Andrews called "Animal Speak." According to the book if a bat has made it's presence known in your life it is telling you to prepare for a change and to face your fears. Often a bat comes into our lives when things seem to have gone from bad to worse and we need to let go of what is not working. So in a nutshell, the bat symbolizes change and transformation.

I don't claim to understand animal symbolism. I just find it extremely fascinating and often times it is right on. For now, I will keep "listening" to my bat and do some soul searching.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love bats because they eat mosquitos :)