
You Have GOT to be Kidding Me!

Anticipation, nervous anxiety, disbelief, jubulation! 

Yep, that pretty much sums up our Saturday afternoon before, during, and after the KU/Mizzou game. Since tickets were going for $600 a piece we decided we would watch it at one of our favorite bars instead with our friends. After the game we made a bee line to Mass Street to the Brewery. We just beat the herd of fans coming from The Fieldhouse. We passed students walking, chanting, cheering in the streets and in the distance I could hear the KU band playing "I'm a Jayhawk."  The scene resembled the celebrating that occurred after the 2008 National Championship win. We saw TV crews positioned on the streets catching the action and interviewing fans. Most of us were in stunned disbelief on how the Hawks could come back from a 19 point deficit. Unbelievable. Our coach is a wizard; plain and simple. 

We had another reason for going to Mass Street. The past few weeks I have been carefully planning “Operation Fid-ee.” Daniel had a significant birthday approaching and was insistent that we would not celebrate. We would not tell anyone. We would not discuss. Soooooo, of course I respected his wishes and threw him a surprise party! Duh. 

With the help of a good friend and the internet I was able to procure the email addresses of his friends and the plan was set in motion. I don’t know how, but the whole thing went off without a hitch. His friends were all waiting for him in the Blue Moon Lounge I had reserved at The Barrel House and he had no clue.  (Or so he says).  I’ll never forget his face when he walked up the stairs, saw all those people and said, “What the f*#@!”  Priceless.  I then thought it prudent to mention to him that I might have told a few people about his birthday.  He then understood why I had been so nervous at the Brewery earlier that evening. He kept asking me if I was okay; said I looked like a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. And that’s how I felt! First of all I was pissed I’d forgotten my camera! Then I worried that I would be able to convince him to go to the Barrel House. It had already been a long day and we had been drinking since 1pm. Here it was 8pm and he was ready to go home. Thanks to my friend Patti, she wasn’t going to let that happen so she insisted we make just one more stop. Surprise! 

It is definitely a day that we will remember forever and now, for more than just a historical basketball game….  Happy Birthday Daniel and here's to many more celebrations.

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