
Now..., Who Are You Again?

Call it an “age thing” if you like but I admit I am forgetful.  I will strategically put things in a spot that I KNOW I’ll be able to recall later and *poof*, it disappears.  I recycled a bunch of printer cartridges for my mom at Office Depot and got her a rewards card that will pay her back for the cartridges. I made sure I put her cards in a “safe place” so I could give them to her and once again, gone.  Ironically, I’m pretty sure I recycled them.
I got Hazel a new laser cat toy. She loves chasing that little red dot all over the house and it gets her fat cat booty some much needed exercise.  The toy came with three of those stupid little watch batteries and my first thought was, “Great. Where the hell am I going to put these so I can find them in four months when her toy dies.” I have a tiny little apple on the shelf in my kitchen that has a hinged lid. The three spare batteries fit perfectly in there. I called to Sydney to come witness my hiding place. Then I yelled to Gen upstairs to come to the railing so I could also tell/show her, “The batteries are in the apple. Okay? In. The. Apple. Don’t forget.”  Well if nothing else the method to my madness worked because now those little smartasses will just randomly yell out, “The batteries are in the aaaaapple! Hey mom! The batteries are IN the apple!”Or Syd will ask her sister;

"Gen, have you seen my black tank top?"
 "Nope, but I know the batteries are in the apple."

If they let me down in four months maybe I will at least be able to remember I wrote this stupid random entry and I’ll be good to go.

1 comment:

Rhy-Rhy said...

will you remember your blog address in four months?