
What Is This Thing You Call 'Normal'?

"Just because you are dressed crazy doesn't mean you get to act crazy. " These were my words to Syd as I dropped her off at school this morning. She tells me "Yeah, I know" but I know my words have already gone out the other side of her head.

Yesterday I described Sydie to someone as “creatively unique.” That’s loving mom code for, “that girl is out there flappin’!”  Today in honor of Valentine’s Day she wore a boy’s V-neck t-shirt that we dyed hot pink, mid-calf Nike socks (also dyed hot pink), shorts with black capri leggings and black and white polka dotted shoes.  I told her last night I needed to see the outfit before I decided whether or not to let her wear it. Then, after seeing it I told her I needed to think about it. It was Daniel who ultimately convinced me to let her proceed.., and it made her day.  As a tradeoff however I told her I wanted her hair to look really nice.  She got up early and let me roll her hair in hot rollers producing big bouncy, girlie curls. I hate to admit it but she did look super cute. As she walked into school I said to Gen, “Oooh look at all the normal kids… wearing coats and boots.”  Syd is living proof that “normal” is overrated. 

Gen on the other hand is usually a bit more practical. Today she decided it would be prudent to wear a mini skirt. There’s only three inches of snow on the ground so hell, why not? She wasn’t very happy with me for getting her to school early. My best guess is she had to stand outside for about 10 minutes before they let the kids inside. (Oops).  

 This morning in a random Valentine related conversation she tells me that in the event of a zombie attack the one thing she would take is chocolate. She claims that zombie’s LOVE chocolate and with it she would make friends with them and they would not eat her brain. Huh? I have no freaking idea what generates these thoughts. I never did drugs when I was pregnant, I swear!

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