
     I hate wasting a weekend and by that I mean not accomplishing something productive. I was bummed because Daniel needed to go to Western Kansas for three days. His dad was having some surgery and he needed to be out there. Since I’m not allowed to use the table saw in his absence I decided to see if Mom wanted to come spend the weekend with the girls and me. Turns out, she DID! She got to spend time with all the grand kids, watched Gentry at softball conditioning, we did some shopping, played Hop Ching with Syd, and she and I watched the KU basketball game while recovering an ottoman in my living room. Sydney also managed to get Grandma hooked on Three Towers Solitaire via Facebook. Mom has always been a solitaire addict and this newest discovery may just earn her a twelve step program one day. Guess it’s better than her selling prescription drugs to her fellow seniors at Thursday morning bowling.  

     Sunday we, (mom, Sis, and I) caravanned to Abilene for the afternoon to celebrate my great Aunt Dorothy’s 85th birthday and we also met up with my Grandma on my dad’s side. Overall it was a pretty productive weekend sprinkled with some family time that was a tad past due.  
     Daniel got home last night only to be gone again this week for work. Before leaving he was sweet enough to cut some more bead board for me. I know he just wanted to give me something to do to make the week go by quicker and I appreciate that. So my goal this week is to finish the remaining kitchen cabinet doors. Then perhaps I’ll convince myself to make time to “chill” this next weekend. 

     Nah, I doubt it. 

     Yesterday marked the two year anniversary of my dad’s passing. I woke up thinking about what he would say about my new life if he were here. Would he like Daniel as much as mom does? What would he say about how much the kids have changed? I know without a doubt he would be proud of his grand kids. I’m sure he would have lots of advice for them … and for me as well. I use to blow that kind of thing off but it's things like him giving me guidance that I miss the most. You continue to grow but you never out grow needing your dad. 

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