
Check the Tape

If I NEVER needed to go to another Wal-Mart EVER I’d be so incredibly happy. Unfortunately I don’t see this happening. “Damn you Sam Walton!”  Back in October I ordered a cabinet/bookcase online from Wal-Mart because it was not offered in stores.  After waiting three weeks for delivery they told me it was lost and refunded my order. I’ve looked all over and just didn’t find anything I liked as much so last week I ordered another one and crossed my fingers this one would actually show.  

Yesterday I got the message that it was at the store. Not knowing how big it would be I asked my sister if she would go with me with her Jeep. She was so great to do this with me even though it included going to two different stores to find it, running by the Junior High to get Gentry from practice, AND hurrying to get back across town all before 7pm so my nephew could get to basketball practice on time. *whew* 

Going anywhere with my sister usually results in either complete chaos or utter embarrassment. This time I had a witness. She nearly tripped walking in the front doors because she was trying to pull down Gentry’s sweat pants. (Don’t ask). Then she got the giggles when the sales clerk asked me for my ID to verify it was my order. “He wants to make sure you’re 21” and then she lost it. I’m sure the clerk thought we were drunk. Gentry just kept repeating, “Oh my goodness” and tried to look invisible especially when Bon told me, “Ask him how big it is” and I threw in a, “That’s what she said!”  This was all just at the sales counter. We hadn’t even made it out to the parking lot yet! 

We get the box and its manageable size but when did Wal-Mart stop carrying shit out to your vehicle for you?!? We were in the very back of the store and had to haul this stupid-ass, heavy box all the way to the front AND through the parking lot! Our time crunch just got considerably crunchier. We sent Gen to the front of the store to get a buggy (which had some sort of wheel problem) and after getting lost finding us we finally made it outside. That’s when Bon took off running (in heels) through the lot pushing a defective buggy with the box inside. If I could get the parking lot video tape of what happened next I would. As Bon ran, pushing this buggy it started to veer towards a truck parked in a parallel handicap spot… and the truck began to pull forward (apparently not seeing this 6 foot crazy woman sprinting with a buggy). She tried to turn and just missed getting hit by the truck. “I almost got killed by a handicap person!” she yelled. 

Short story, long we made it back, Blake got to practice on time and I got my cabinet which now resembles some sort of demented life-size puzzle. The best part is my daughter is now convinced that her aunt is more “cra-cra” than her mom. (That’s crazy-crazy for those of you who don’t speak teenager)  Yeees!

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