
Freud Wouldn't Even Waste His Time

I had a dream Friday night that I was in a beautiful park like setting with ivy covered stone buildings and green lawns. I was minding my own business, taking a picture of an old wooden door with a cool handle (of all things) when two nuns came running up to me. They were frantic and insisted that one of my children was in trouble and I must come quickly with them to the corner of (blah, blah & I don’t remember). So off we ran across those lush green lawns. The two Sisters were kicking my butt running because I was in sandals and they were wearing tennis shoes under their habits. I was panicked to know what had happened; which child? Is she okay? I kept asking and then one of the nuns said, “Someone heard your child say a curse word!” In my dream I remember instantly slowing down and thinking, “Oooooh…. Wow. I guess I need to act as upset as they are.” My kids know they would be punished for swearing but I just felt thankful knowing they weren’t hurt or worse. That’s when I woke up.

It didn’t take much for me to figure out the message my subconscious was sending. I feel like I am not as strict as other parents (the nuns) may be and I don’t want to be viewed as passive. I have my own way of dealing with issues and it is helpful for me to think through a situation first before confronting. I think this may give the appearance of being passive but both of my kids can attest to the fact that I am the polar opposite and they can expect a thorough ass-chewing just as soon as I’m clear the grounds for the chewing.

It figures my subconscious would insert athletic, Nike wearing catholic nuns into my dreams to create the ultimate guilt trip. Well played.

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