
Same Song, Different Morning

Every morning I drop Sydney off at the elementary school and then zip over and drop Gentry at the junior high. Every morning as I enter West's parking lot I cuss myself for not yet inventing rubber bumpers for the front of my car. If  I could 'bump' all the idiots who can't follow directions when dropping off their children, I know my school zone road rage would be cured. Hallelujah! Seriously people, how freaking hard is it to stay in the lane that is CLEARLY marked "Drop Off Lane" so as not to block the flow of traffic? For some it seems to be pretty challenging and I applaud them for just being able to find the door to leave the house every morning.

Good for you dumbass'!

One morning I was of course running close to being late for work when this woman had the audacity to park parallel to the car in front of me (who was in the drop off lane behind a bus) so that neither of us could pull ahead. She had single-handedly blocked two lanes of traffic and was in no hurry to move along. The truck in front of me had to honk at her TWICE and still she sat there. To further infuriate us, she honestly seemed to be doing it on purpose. Smiling and waving even! If the entire 8th grade class hadn't been standing outside the building I would have gotten out of my car and snatched her bald-headed! I'm pretty sure the dude in front of me would have gladly helped. Every morning it's the same scenario and since I know it's coming, I'm trying to replace my anger with sweet sarcasm.

"Ooooh dear Genny, another parent who can't read. I'm should donate a copy of Hooked on Phonics to the PTA so they can help all these poor illiterate parents."

"See me sweetheart? This is called the Drop.Off.Lane. Maybe you could try it sometime, ooookay?"

 Gentry is not phased by me and could honestly care less. She's just glad I'm not making her kiss me before she gets out of the car.

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