
And so it begins...

I started dreading June 6th last week. Four o'clock yesterday my stomach was in knots as the minutes ticked by. Then it happened; it was 6:00pm and Daniel, Syd, and I were standing in the sweltering heat along with my sister, her family, and 200-300 strangers for our first summer work-out. Dog Day's 2011 had begun! Soon the sweat burning my eyes replaced the anxiety causing the knot in my stomach.  The heat was brutal but what a trooper Syd was and she even wants to go back! She wants that shirt BAD. Now if I can only convince Gen. 

This year there is a Has-Beens workout for people who want to earn a t-shirt but don't live here in Lawrence.
The registration and work-outs are all posted on the website, http://www.reddogsdogdays.org/Has-Beens-Overview.php .

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