
Any free Saturday now is spent transforming my yard from looking like the depths of hell to our own personal oasis. We rolled non-stop only taking short water breaks until the tornado sirens went off. Then we figured we had better put the metal garden tools away so we didn’t light up the neighborhood as human lightning rods. It wasn’t even raining and the sky had darkened a little but not stormy at all. According to the news it was a slow moving storm coming our way from Topeka at 25 mph so I figured I had better grab a quick shower. You see, my yard is STILL plagued with that blankity-blank-blank poison, filth-flarn ivy.

The past month I’ve gone through two rounds of steroids, a plethora of Benadryl and calamine lotion and so if there was even the slightest possibility I could be buried in rubble for any period of time with the oncoming storm I did NOT want to be laying there itchy! For my friends who are as susceptible to this hateful devil plant as I am, I finally found a routine that (knock on wood) has been working. First of all, gloves at all times and for eff sakes, DON’T TOUCH YOUR FACE! As soon as I come into the house, shoes, clothes, gloves, everything goes into the washer. If it’s just my hands and arms I scrub with the lye soap that I got at the hippie store. If my yard involvement is shower worthy I use Jewelweed soap; a Native American remedy that is pure magic! I have no doubt it will save my life this summer.  

So, with the weather guy advising everyone to take their severe storm precautions with the incoming, uh..significant storm (that did actually produce a tornado sound of Topeka)…, we decided to not only grill but ate and had a bottle of wine outside as well. Aside from being itchy, we also did not want to be buried with a growling belly. I had to laugh when my sister said they had done the exact same thing. Genius must run in the family.

On a serious note; to my friends affected by the Joplin tornado… Things can be replaced but not people and I am so incredibly thankful that God was watching over you and that you are safe. Prayers and care packages coming your way!

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