
Meet Lil G

Shortly after Christmas Syd begged and pleaded to get a Gecko. I bucked her as long as I could but after she worked her tail off doing extra chores (including her lazy Sister's share) and resisted spending her loot at her favorite store, Claire's I realized she was serious.That was when we went and picked out his guy...
My only regret is that I let her do all the research (because it was her money) and therefore did not realize that he will only eat LIVE crickets. So guess who is running to the pet store every damn week buying crickets and then trying to keep them alive to feed to the lizard? I'll give you a hint; it's not Syd. That's a messed up deal when keeping the food source alive is more complicated than caring for the thing eating them! That is one of the reasons why Lil G is now hoping to be adopted via Craigslist.

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