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It seems very ironic that Spring Break ended with snow but hey, it could have been worse. At least is has melted for now and even better, my house is quiet once again. Whoo hooo! You know how babies get over stimulated and get that wide eyed, frantic look on their faces? Yes, that was me for the majority of last week while Gen's friend was here. Gone are the shrill screams, the chases up and down the stairs, and the late night chattering. I do like my peace and quiet... almost to a fault. So last night as it was snowing and I sat in front of a roaring fire with my blankie, my book (that I should have finished weeks ago), and a Boulevard Wheat I couldn't help but think "Aaaah yeeeeah... this is the stuff."

Next on the agenda; softball practice, batting lessons, track meet, softball practice again, dance lessons, a slumber party, a softball tournament, a visit from my mom ... and then it's Sunday. Ugh!

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