
Valentine's Time-Out

I’m so over Facebook. A couple years ago it was fun and playful but today it’s the same boring crap, different day. I could care less what my “friends” are eating or that their child won their game. Yes, it’s cold; it’s February genius! Throw out a clever status and you have my attention. So this morning I glanced at Facebook on my cell and immediately I see one of my friends has taken it upon herself to wish ALL her family members, individually a Happy Valentine’s Day. Instantly I’m irritated and log off.

Facebook is not where my heart lies; with strangers claiming to be my “friends.”  This blog is my heart so with that said here’s my status for today.

To My Valentine,
You came into my life when I didn’t think I deserved love. You make me laugh with your wit and you don’t allow me to be depressed when I’ve had a bad day.  You are one of the most fun loving, positive, and open men I’ve ever met. You aren’t afraid to express your feelings and that is refreshing. You know all my faults and yet still want to be with me. We really haven’t known each other that long yet our relationship thus far has been surprisingly comfortable but never, never boring! I am so happy to be able to call you my Valentine and I hope that today is the first of many celebrations to come.

Happy Valentine’s Day Daniel!

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