
It hasn't taken long for my girls to find their niche here in Larryville and as a result we spend the majority of our evenings running. I was really hoping to be able to participate in Fall Dog Day's because it is just two nights a week but even at that there just isn't time.

A couple weeks ago Gen got the opportunity to tryout for the Lawrence Phenix softball team and they offered her their 12th spot. It is a brand new 12 and under competitive team within the Phenix organization and some of the girls have never played competitive ball before. We have tournaments until the end of October including one called the "Monster Bash" for Halloween and the team practices twice a week. By next Spring I'm positive we will see a totally different skill set and hopefully Gen has found a team she can grow with. Her first tournament as a Phenix is this weekend and it will feel weird not seeing her in that white jersey she wore for four straight years.

Syd is still hopeful she will find a softball team in the 10 and under division but until then she has jumped right back into dance lessons, specifically hip hop. I was worried that she would struggle with a new school, new instructor but even with missing the first night she picked up the steps very quickly. Her instructor is a young man who loves to dance and Syd says he is crazy. I think that makes for a perfect combination so she should do well.

Last weekend I had the pleasure of meeting workout dude's parents and his sister and her family. I was so nervous but from the minute I got out of the truck and saw those bright friendly faces, all that anxiety disappeared. The first thing his mom did was give me a big hug. It was like we had known each other all our lives. I had an "aw" moment when I met his dad; he reminded me so much of mine. Something about his facial features and the way he spoke made me think of my dad and all those times I sat with him around the kitchen table shooting the bull. I got to listen to them tell hilarious stories in between brief intermissions to fetch more ice and whiskey and by the time we left, my stomach muscles ached from laughing. It was the perfect evening and one that I hope we will repeat soon.

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