
Turmoil on the Technology Front

Last week while cleaning the fingerprints off my laptop monitor I inadvertently wiped out my entire system. All my documents, pictures, etc. G O N E. Apparently I contacted some form of bug and it reeked havoc for sure. My technical support guy was not able to recover any of it. (Thanks anyway Plan C). In addition to that, since the move I have not been able to find my Nikon camera charger so I am not able to take any pictures. Thank goodness I still have my cell phone to take pictures otherwise I'd be in a ball in the corner rocking back and forth!

Thirdly, I have this really nice stereo system in my living room, sub-woofer, Bose speakers, CD changer, blah, blah, blah... and no freaking clue how to hook it up. Cleaning to the blaring sound of static just doesn't have the same effect on my motivation. I thought I was in pretty good shape when I didn't have any trouble hooking up all the components to my wireless internet including the Wii so the girls can play Mario Kart against their peeps 100 miles away. They were pretty impressed with me. Thank goodness they haven't asked about the stereo! I seriously thought about Craigslisting the stupid thing just so it would stop taunting me with failure. Heck for all I know I may be missing cables and not even know it! 

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