
Kanopolis Wedding

What do you get when you combine 100+ degree temperatures, a peaceful lake glistening in the sun, hours and hours of preparation, and 180 friends and family? You get a gorgeous lakeside wedding for two very special friends.
This was the scene from the porch of our cabin. What you don't see are the Bloody Mary's and the "Marina Punch" paint can we concocted in a pinch that turned out to be the best we have ever made. I didn't even have to add Skittles for flavor!
The wedding was full of kinks including the entire wedding party getting pulled over by the Highway Patrol in the limo. That actually wasn't so bad because the patrolman was very cool and let us take pictures with his car, flashing lights and all. In the end everything was wonderful and I didn't cry when I gave my toast to the Bride. *whew* This weekend was especially memorable for me because I took the opportunity to introduce someone very special in my life to three of my best friends and received in return their love and approval. That meant the world to me; more than they will ever realize.

The trip home on Sunday included of all things, a stop at the Saloon in Old Abilene Town for a cold Sasaparilla and a few minutes to listen to the old player piano. We use to go there a lot when my Grandpa Dieffenbaugh was alive. Being there brought back a lot of fond memories that had previously been dormant.

Now all the wedding planning is put to rest and the Schwartz's can relax and enjoy life as a married couple. Congratulations to both of them and I want to thank them for inviting me to be part of their joyous event.

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