
I'm way behind on some of my posts so I am trying to play catch up in one night. July has been an exciting whirl wind laced with some emotional firsts and lasts. This past weekend was the girls' last tournament as a Clay Center B's softball player. Gentry's team is very tight. Most of these girls have been playing together since they were six years old and it shows when they are on the field.

The girls got knocked out of the gold division Saturday night. There were a lot of tears of disappointment and then there were lots of hugs when one of the girls announced, "Hey guys, this was Gentry's last game as a Clay Center B."
It's a good thing both of us had on our sunglasses. 

Thing is, I love this team just as much as she does. Most of these girls grew up coming to our home to play, to swim, and for sleep-overs. This is an awesome bunch of girls who fully understand what it is like to be part of a team and have no fear when it comes to competition. That's what being a Clay Center B is all about.

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