
As of today I have officially been in "Larryville" 87 days. The girls are officially enrolled in USD 497, I have a home starting August 2nd, and Sunday we signed a contract on our house. To say we are drowning in a sea of U-Haul boxes is an understatement but they are all efficiently labeled and ready for the truck that will come next week. By this past Sunday morning I was so mentally and physically spent I started throwing stuff in bags to give away just so I didn't have to pack anymore! I did take time out Saturday night to sit by the pool with a couple of my best buds and enjoy a cedar wrapped cigar. It's sad to think that is probably the last time we will get to hang out there but there will be lots of get togethers here at my new place. Hanging there just doesn't feel the same anyway. It no longer feels like home; it's my penance. This past weekend was a mandatory working weekend but my heart and mind were elsewhere. Driving back and forth every weekend was fine in the beginning but it's grown old and the thought of it now simply makes me grouchy. Thank goodness it will all be over soon. I'm not going to complain too much because the past couple of months have been full of mixed blessings. Life is good again and getting better every day.


Rebecca said...

CONGRATULATIONS!.....on everything.
How's the job app coming along?

Cj's World said...

Thanks Berecca! Haven't heard anything yet but Daniel is trying to persuade me to switch from State to Federal so who knows. I'll keep ya in the loop though, don't worry!