
Gen had four of her girls come home with her after her party to spend the night. They camped out in the basement in front of the big screen watching movies, screaming, eating Skittles and chips until well after 1:00am. I loved listening to them. I was tickled by their comments and at times impressed with how mature they acted... sometimes. I also noticed something about my daughter this weekend; she is growing up. After her party I discovered that even though there were boys invited, they were carefully picked because they were "dating" (*cough, cough*) one of her friends. This kind of surprised me because I gave her free reign to invite whomever she wanted and she didn't go crazy with it. It became apparent to me that she put a lot of thought and consideration into her guest list and had her girlfriend's as her top priority and not necessarily herself.

I was also reminded that Mom is only cool in her own mind. I made a couple suggestions and was told, "Mom, that's lame" or "Mom, that is too complicated. We're 6th graders." However lame I apparently was I still wore the biggest smile when she came running up to me and said that one of her friends told her this was the "best party EVER!" Whew, pulled it off and now have a year to find some coolness before the next birthday. I'd better get cracking!

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