
My one and only campaign sign. (Courtesy of R.A.B).

Eight years and eight months ago when I moved to Kansas one of my primary goals was to dive head first into local civic organizations, start networking, and if the opportunity presented itself, run for election to city council. Three years ago I did get elected and it has been an experience that I will never forget. It is also one that more people need to experience. When I ran for election I remember making the comment that I felt, "If you aren't willing to be a public servant then you have no room to complain about the process." I wish I could say I helped make a difference but who knows. If we have, the future will tell.

Last night was one of the longest council meetings we have ever had... 5 hours and we finally adjourned around 11:50pm. My final vote was one of abstain in regard to accepting the following final piece of new business.

"I was honored to be elected and have been proud to serve as 1st ward city council member the past three years. It has been a valuable experience and is one that I would recommend to others. I recently accepted a position that no longer allows me to serve so it is with heartfelt regret that I submit my resignation of my 1st ward city council seat. 

This council and this community will continue to face challenges that will test your leadership. I would encourage each of you to keep in mind that you are not only sitting in these seats to serve your constituents, you also have a responsibility to the future growth of this community. We have made significant strides but there is room for improvement. Learn from our past mistakes and keep the change momentum moving forward in a positive light for the benefit of our residents. There is no place on this council for personal agendas.

In parting I would like to say 'Thank you' to Mayor Brown for your guidance and devotion to our City and 'Thank you' fellow council members for your public service."

My heart was pounding so loud I could hear it and I wish I could say I got all the way through this without getting choked up... but I can't. As much as I love being involved in government the "bastards can no longer get me down." I now have new goals and someday in my new location I hope I get the opportunity to serve again on a bigger scale.

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