
April Fool's Day is like Christmas for "my people."

April 1st is not a day that goes unnoticed in our office. I've been here four years and this day has always been carefully plotted and planned. Only the target has slightly changed over the years. My favorite story is the year Sissy had a friend on campus calling Horticultural Services asking to speak to Pete Moss. This year she wanted to redecorate our fearless leader's office with some really sweet and frilly items such as plastic flowers, doilies, little dolls, Easter decorations, pink scented lotion, and even a "Hugs for Friends" book. Of course among all this pink and frills were a couple piles of fake poo to remind him of his new doggy at home.

Here is the actual email we received once he stopped laughing;

"I have been informed that disciplinary action has been proposed for each of you for violations of KSA 75-9452 

(a) impersonating employees that should have been working, 
(b) being out of your assigned work place and/or unit,
(c) cutting off the Easter Bunny's head and putting on display,
(d) turning a truly masculine office into one that might be considered 'darling' and
(e) anything else I can think of between now and if you come see me.

You have a right to appear before me, with or without counsel to give  me your side of the story, after which, when I recognize you have no credibility, I will impose said disciplinary action.

And no, it won't be no day off with pay."

I'll spare you the pictures of the fake poo on the floor... but it was priceless, trust me.

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