
If you could go back in time and change one thing, one event, what would it be and would you want to? Everybody has things they would like to go back and change if they could. I know if I knew now what I knew then I'd be a totally different person but that is not God's plan. Unfortunately we have to make mistakes. The trick is to learn from them so we become better people.

My do-over would be staying in Dodge City and not moving to Alabama. When Jamie and I started dating I lived in Huntsville Alabama. I love the South and Huntsville was such a hip, cultural, invigorating city. You could get up in the morning and decide to either go to the mountains or to the beach. Both were within a half days drive.  Jamie had a great job as a Journeyman Lineman at Victory Electric in Dodge City but the town was dirty and full of illegal workers. There were a number of beef packing plants that surrounded the town and every time you went outside you could smell them. We didn't have children yet but I knew I did not want to raise them there.

When I moved to Dodge the deal was that someday we would move back down South. Jamie made good on that promise four years later however he took a job with a contractor who skimped on safety measures. This error resulted in his injuries. As much as I hated Dodge, if I had not been so insistent that we move he would not have been hurt. We could have waited for the "right" opportunity to come along.

Every decision we make whether it is good or bad is a learning experience. God does give us do-overs; it's called the future.

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