
Shoes = Love!

If you have to spend Valentines day alone one option is to feel sorry for yourself, eat ice cream and watch Lifetime all day long. A better alternative is to compensate by getting your hair done or by going shopping. Since moping around was not even a remote option in my book and I just got my hair done, I chose shopping! I actually needed to go find something purple to wear for tomorrow but that is a story for another post. Shoes are my weakness. I use to be a lot worse about buying the funkiest shoes I could find but not so much anymore mainly because I don't feel like I have any place to wear them.

I didn't buy either one of these but we did have fun trying on all the "hooker heels." Who needs love when you can have a closet full of fun shoes! To quote the J. Geils Band... "Love stinks."

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Sista....I want them both!!!!