
A few days ago I wrote about a dream I had about the bats. The dream disturbed me so much I enlisted some help to interpret. To my relief NONE of the responses I received involved death, demons, or bad omens to come. Dreams are not usually prophesy and they can be perceived so many different ways. The explanation I liked the best was this: The home represents me and the bats represent all the bad things in my life, sin, etc. that I want to get rid of. The fact that my Mom and my friends were in the dream signifies that I am relying on them to help me and the blood on the wall signifies the blood of Christ indicating that I am relying heavily on my faith.

A wise woman recently reminded me how to pray. She said we should pray to God in the same manner we use to ask our parents for the keys to the car. We don't say, "I hope I get.." or "I wish for..", we ask Him straight out for exactly what we want and then we don't ask again, having faith that our prayers will be answered and always end with the Lord's Prayer. It's been really hard for me not to nag God and say, "hey.. remember last week when I asked you for... ?" Really, really hard.

Today I got some really good news that I am not ready to share on here just yet but it is exactly what I asked Him for and I have faith that my bats are not going to be hanging around much longer. 

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