
Dumptruck Yumminess!

We braved Wildcat country Saturday night to watch the KU game at a local bar with about a hundred of our closest purple friends. Yikes! I'm not a fan of watching KU play K-State while sitting in Manhattan. In the past it has not been pretty and I have a tendency to be superstitious and maybe even a little moody if we happen to lose. So we ventured out with the understanding that if KU was down at the half, I would have to leave the bar. Luckily, we were up by 1pt at the half so I got to stay the entire time. Gen had on a shirt that said "I had a nightmare I was a Wildcat" on the back but she had the adorable factor working for her. She had all kinds of people talking to her, asking her who her favorite player is to which she simply replied, "Cole." She didn't even glance away from the video game she and her friend were playing.

After the game the two girls decided they deserved dessert. This is what the waitress delivered to the table and their eyes got H U G E!
It was a toy dumptruck filled with brownies, oreos, ice cream, whipped topping, and strawberries. After three Cokes each, a plate of hot wings, a basket of fries, and all this sugar... they bounced to the truck, sang all the way home and then stayed up until 1:30 giggling and playing the Wii.

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