
Four weeks ago I sent a grumbly girl to her introduction to vocal training. She came home the first day complaining about having to take tests, and learn notes, and pitch… blah, blah, blah. By the end of that first week her tune (no pun intended) had changed dramatically. She was actually enjoying it! She worked on her flash cards and put a binder together with all her papers. She actually showed genuine interest in something and I bit my tongue to keep from saying, “I told you so.”

From the time Syd was three she has serenaded whomever would listen with concerts. She would prepare in her room then come downstairs decked out in pink plastic heels, a pink feathery boa, and a pink guitar ready to perform her latest creation. These songs had a tendency to run on and on. She would pause, we would clap (thinking it was over) and then she would start another verse. It was not unusual to hear a ten minute song about a hairbrush. My dad especially got a kick out her songs and would encourage her to keep singing.

Wednesday evening her singing group held a recital showcasing what they had learned this month.  The little blond girl that I watched singing wasn’t nervous at all. In fact, she absolutely glowed as she sang her heart out. She’s no longer that little pixie decked out in pink singing about her hairbrush.  I have never doubted this child craves the limelight and I’m anxious to see what she does with this gift. Hopefully this was just the beginning.   

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