
It's cold. Wear Your Damn Coat.

Why is it that when a child turns a certain age they automatically think it’s okay to wear shorts in the snow and that they no longer need to wear a jacket? Hellooo, don’t ask for that shit on your Christmas list then if you aren’t going to even entertain the thought of wearing it. Geeez.  This topic was the cause of a major mom meltdown in the car yesterday on the way to school. It was 19 degrees and Gen refused to take her NEW jacket or the NEW scarf she HAD to have. She left wearing a thin hoodie.  So I turned the heat off in the car, turned off her seat warmer and let her “chill” all the way to school. Literally.  As soon as they were dropped off I called their dad to vent. I  felt further justified later when I learned that he had parked a block away picking her up from school that afternoon.  He said she was shivering when she got in the car and said, “Mom told you to do that, didn’t she?”  

Here’s a little tidbit for ya child; your daddy doesn’t like spending his money on crap you aren’t going to wear either.

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