
December is always a mad scramble so thankfully both of the girls got a reprieve from softball practice. That break came screeching to a halt this weekend with three practices in three days. *ugh* Gen is getting a tough lesson in conditioning. Her coach is focused on making them stronger thus making them better players. For the next couple months they will spend time every Saturday and Sunday working out at the rec center. I convinced Daniel that this would be an excellent opportunity for us to work out as well. If we have to be there anyway why not burn some calories and halt this annoying urge to hibernate. Gen has never really worked out; not at the level required to make physical changes anyway so this is all new to her. Her coach is very serious and taking no prisoners. The stuff they did yesterday made some our Dog Day's workouts look like a cake walk. When she had to literally roll out of her bed this morning to get up I'll admit, it amused me. Tonight when I had to help her up the stairs to her room, I realized just how long this week is going to be. Good thing I added Tylenol to the grocery list.

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