
Thanks to the girl’s weekend shopping trip last month I got an early start on my Christmas shopping this year. The girls and I took my mom over to Legend’s last weekend and I had to take them to Charming Charlie. It’s such a cool store but I walk in and am so over stimulated I just go completely blank. Shopping with a teenager is such a beating too. Everything I picked up and said “Ooooh, look at this!” she would respond with snarling up her nose. Finally she said, “Mom! What is wrong with you?” I don’t know when exactly I lost my ability to distinguish between cool and old lady flair. I do admit my downfall is shiny. I love, love, love anything shiny.  It could be a plain ol’ turd but as long as it has a brilliant polished shine I’d put it to use as a fabulous paper weight.  I did manage to pick some things out (on my own) that received favorable marks from my overly analytical offspring. My sister will be relieved to read that. *wink wink*

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