
Class of 2011

With my sister on the verge of boo hoo'ing, tonight Blake, decked out in his red cap and gown made his official transition from baby school to the much cooler biggie boy school. Of course it didn't help that I was sitting about eight rows behind her sending texts like, "12 more years and he's gone..." and "Now is the time to have another one ya know" all the while laughing my ass off when she would turn around and shoot me a glare.

Thirty-six little pre-K graduates entered to the sound of Pomp and Circumstance, said the Pledge of Allegiance, signed the alphabet, showed off their counting skills, then broke it down with a little Humpty Dumpty and Peter,Peter Pumpkin Eater.
They then received their diplomas while their teacher announced what they plan to be when they grow up. Their future ambitions ranged from cheerleaders to chefs to owning a McDonald's. Blake's plan is to be a professional football player.

 Blake has been with a lot of these kids nearly every week day since he was a baby. They have potty trained together, played sports together and helped celebrate each others birthdays.
We HAD to celebrate this momentous occasion with a big ooey, gooey cake. I will neither confirm or deny that six people nearly polished off an entire cake
Then again, it might have been this little dude. 

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