
Three days in a row the kids and I have not had work or school. Monday was pre-planned but the past two days were the result of mother nature dumping 8 inches of snow on us. They are having a blast while I am going absolutely bonkers. One of Syd's best friends lives just around the block so she's quite happy to spend the day playing with her. Gen spends all day in her room on Facebook chatting with her peeps or playing Sims. Me? I painted a bathroom, the laundry is done, house is clean, I have cooked enough food for a small country, and still managed to find time to become addicted to the game Angry Birds. The past two days I have been waiting for the girls to set their iPods down so I can snatch one of them up. In fact Syd went to bed but left hers in the living room so guess where it is now? Well it's NOT on my night stand... waiting for me to finish this post THAT's for sure! *wink wink*
Ninja Kitty

 This is what cabin fever looks like. Poor Hazel has been a source of entertainment for Syd and her friend. If you happen to see any of her many videos you may recognize her as "Steve the attack cat."

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