
Mini Version of "What Not To Wear"

Most women know it is a direct fashion violation to wear a mini-skirt after age 35. It's a shame there are still a few out there would refuse to acknowledge that this look is no longer appealing on them and it's torture for others to be subjected to viewing their aged, leathery, varicose vein road mapped legs day after day while they walk around thinking they look glamorous.  Guess that's the difference between women with taste and those lacking.

What is even worse are those women who forget to look in the mirror before leaving the house. These are the women showing up at work in see-through clothing looking like they are going clubbing. So annoying but yet they give us good material and something to giggle about.. mostly behind their backs unless caught off guard which could result in shooting coffee out of our mouths upon seeing them walk into the office. There should be someone at the front door with a whistle to alert the others of the in-coming faux pas so we can either brace ourselves or simply close our eyes. 

On second thought, maybe that is the whole purpose of the fashion impaired; to entertain the rest of us. In that case, bring on the clowns!

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