
First Contact

It's not unusual for people to seek out some source of guidance when going through a tough time. Most chose some form of religion whether conventional or otherwise. Some turn to unhealthy vices that end up hurting your body and mind further. Me, I turned to numerology and astrology coupled with prayers as my sources of comfort. I would refer to these tools on a daily basis and got to where I could not go a day without them. I know these are considered hokie to many but as I said, people find comfort in a variety of ways and these gave me peace of mind. One date in particular was mentioned repeatedly in my chart since the beginning of the year. It was to be a turning point kind of day; one that would change my life in the most positive way. I didn't put a lot of stock into that so that I wouldn't be disappointed.

The first week of Dog Day's in a crowd of 200 plus people, one person caught my attention. I didn't have the nerve to speak to him so I would just quickly walk by him awkwardly smiling like Paulette from the movie Legally Blonde. I would then stand safely out of his eye-sight so I could watch him without him knowing, (or so I thought). Little did I know he was trying to keep an eye on me. He became my motivation to keep enduring these grueling work-outs in blistering heat. After a couple weeks the passing smiles and eye contact became shy "hello's" and he would offer a "good job!" as he passed by me on our runs. He would always be waiting at the finish line however and somehow we always managed to park close as well so we would end up walking to our cars at the same time. Finally one evening after one of our longer jogs up and around the hills of campus I arrived back at the field soaked in sweat and wanting to die. That was the night he came up to me, introduced himself and I got to know this mystery man that I had been simply referring to as "work-out dude" to my friends. The next day I looked at my work calendar and saw a little star on the square for the previous day. That had been the day I had been reading about and anticipating for months and that was the same day I finally got to meet my work-out dude.

I tried to find out his name sooner but my friend wouldn't run his tag saying, "You know that's illegal, right?" Like that has ever stopped her before but whatever, it worked out regardless in a time frame controlled by the universe. I don't believe in coincidences and know this was a meeting that was suppose to happen.

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