
It is very unusual to need a blanket to keep warm while watching softball in July but that is exactly what several of us moms were doing this past weekend. Despite the wind, the cooler temperature, and the ten hours we sat at the ball field it was an above average day. At one point the girls and I took a little rest on a blanket in the sun and enjoyed some time just being silly and also discussed future plans. Next month we will have our new place and we are excited to make it feel like our own. Much to Gen's dismay this does NOT include getting all new furniture. That darn money tree just hasn't produced a crop yet.

Yesterday was a much needed goof off day but I learned two significant things. One, I really, really love gazpacho. I've never had it before but wow, so yummy! And two, throwing firecrackers into your fireplace is not an effective method to scare critters out of your chimney. I voted to smoke'em out but apparently that is not an "EPA approved" method. When whatever is in there figures out how to get the fireplace doors open, we will see who had the better idea.

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