
Once upon a time....

Once upon a time there was a girl who was sick to death of cold weather. She dreamed of someday seeing the sun shine and since mother nature was not cooperating, she was reduced to day dreaming instead.

She could not wait until the day she could burrow down in her chaise lounge in the back yard & feel the heat soaking into her skin...

and watch the sun dance off the water .....

She would mix Mojitos with fresh mint her friend was nice enough to give her and ....

she would invite her friends over to play.

They would laaaaaugh and joke until they got hungry and then they would chow down on whatever was cookin' on the grill.

(Oops, that's not from the grill! But just as yummy!)

Then, once their tummies were full, her friends would all go home because the sun had gone down and the girl was starting to get grumpy. But the next day, the sun would be back and they would do it all over again and they lived happily ever after.

1 comment:

Rhys said...

OMG I can't believe you were drinking AND blogging...