
Happy Mother's Day!

Both of the girls gave me the sweetest presents for Mother's Day. Sydney wrote an adorable poem about what makes her mommy funny, mad, happy, etc. and apparently my favorite food is "just about anything!" (Oh she knows me all too well.) I'm just proud she didn't say margaritas!

Gentry handed me a little bag and said, "Here you go mom... Sorry, it's kinda stupid."

This tiny little card reads:
"This is a special gift
That you can never see
The reason it's so special
It's just for you from me.

Whenever you are lonely
Or feeling a little blue;
You only have to hold this gift
To know I think of you.

You never can unwrap it,
Please leave the ribbon tied.
Hold the box close to your heart,
It's filled with love inside. "

I was reading this aloud but when I got to the last line, I couldn't get the words out and my eyes were full of tears. I know she was probably wondering why anyone would get so choked up over an empty box! But I am pretty sure that anyone who is a mom or is close to their mom would completely understand why I thought this was the best gift ever. Happy Mother's Day....

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