
I sure wish someone would tell me at what age a person outgrows the incessant need to be a complete drama queen, or in the case of last Friday, a drama KING. A distant friend of mine that I’ve had for the past few years told me, “It’s better for you if we aren’t friends anymore.”  Uuuuh, ooookay…., what are we, twelve??  Then I was told that “someone” had contacted him to say they didn’t think our banter on Facebook which primarily consisted of trying to out due the other with insults, was appropriate and in a nutshell he should leave me alone. Since he refused to give me a name AND this alleged person was NOT my Daniel, (the only person who has the right to make such a request but is much too classy for that type of childish behavior), I conceded that this dude was making the whole thing up simply to get my attention. Guess that backfired because I told him to have a nice life and hit ‘delete.’ 

I started off the week with 14 year old drama and ended the week with a 40 year old acting like he’s 14. The latest saying at our house right now is, “Ain’t nobody got time for that” and that is exactly why I dismissed the whole incident. My only regret is I wish we hadn’t given him the power of ruining 90% of our evening; the first real date we’ve had in months. I demand a do-over! 

The remainder of our weekend was spent mowing and cleaning out the garage. The house has officially been on the market a few weeks and this is where we spend most of our free time. I think we take turns feeling over-whelmed but we have made good progress. Now to find the perfect buyer for this huge house. 

Sunday we drove two hours to take my mom to lunch for Mother's Day then promptly drove back home. It was a quick trip but I know mom appreciated it. My Mother’s Day was complete with a crape myrtle for my front yard, (which Daniel planted for me) an awesome card from the girls, and a gift certificate to Charming Charlie.  I even got my yard mowed for me. That alone was present enough (but I didn’t tell them that).

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