
As a parent my first instinct is to protect my kids from physical and emotional harm. So when my kid is beside herself because one of her friends back home attempted to end her life because some other kids told her to, I immediately get defensive. My first thought is to call the mother of the bully girl but what the hell would I say to her that wouldn’t warrant an immediate hang up? Teenage drama is brutal and I’m convinced in part it stems from kids not having enough positive things to do coupled with absent or just absent-minded parents. 

My second thought is how can I remove this child from a bad situation? Let her come here to live with us? It appears that her mother is not an active player in her life and she is basically being raised by her grandmother. Turns out Gen has already offered our home to her. Taking in strays is undoubtedly something she acquired from me. Ever since high school I have a long history of taking in people who need “fixing.” (By the way, not one time has that turned out to be a good thing). I had to tell her that we could arrange a short stay this summer but it would not be a “live with us” situation. That just isn’t a good idea. 

The third thought is what if this is all a rouse for attention?  What if she is simply playing Gen and we go off like storm troopers defending her? That’s not likely to end well either. 

When we moved here I worried that my girls would get caught up in drama x 2. Them being new I braced myself for a couple years of them being outcasts until they found their groove.  Not the case, in fact the exact opposite. I’m not saying it’s been all unicorns and rainbows but it’s been pretty good overall. As I was filled with anguish and anger Saturday night at the despair this little girl was expressing it made me even more convinced I did the right thing moving away. Once upon a time I was convinced raising my kids in a small town was ideal but that thought was quickly extinguished by gossipy hypocrites and the holier than thou's whose over-privileged brats need a stern come to Jesus meeting. Perhaps that speech should start with, “Don’t you EVER let me hear or hear that you said THIS to another human being, EVER!” 

Kids get away with shit because we let them. If my kid was responsible for another child hurting him/herself I would never forgive myself. On the flip side if I ignored a child’s cried for help whether they were an attention rouse or not, I would never forgive myself. 

Thank you God that my child possesses a good heart filled with compassion. Maybe she saved a life this week.

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